You are a miracle. (2)

It is time for you to fully embody every blessing, every dream and every day with ease.

Its time to radiate and be seen.

The world is waiting for only what you can bring.

Join the Waitlist Now!


You are a miracle

It is time for you to fully embody every blessing, every dream and every day with ease.

Its time to radiate and be seen.

The world is waiting for only what you can bring.



You. Are. Ready.

You are prepared…

to take command of your life and infuse it with dynamic, transformative energy.

You're destined…
to occupy meaningful space and to radiate your brilliance unapologetically...

You're poised to…
 …unfold into the most captivating and expansive version of yourself.

You are the architect of self-reinvention…
…And you are on the brink of being embraced and uplifted by your divine spirit team.


You are ready to alchemize into your next-level life.


Because, dear friend, the universe has been anticipating someone precisely like you.


Embrace the readiness resonating within you, and let's embark together into the extraordinary.


Join the Waitlist Now!


You. Are. Ready.

You are prepared…

to take command of your life and infuse it with dynamic, transformative energy.


You're destined…

to occupy meaningful space and to radiate your brilliance unapologetically...


You're poised to…

 …unfold into the most captivating and expansive version of yourself.


You are the architect of self-reinvention…
…And you are on the brink of being embraced and uplifted by your divine spirit team.


You are ready to alchemize into your next-level life.


Because, dear friend, the universe has been anticipating someone precisely like you.


Embrace the readiness resonating within you, and let's embark together into the extraordinary.


Join the Waitlist Now!

People wonder if there's a way, and guess what?

You are the way.

The more you unapologetically love yourself, the more the universe showers you with love.

Don't doubt it!


Join the Waitlist Now!

“This is self-love unleashed.” 

- Whitney, Reflector Portal Alum

People wonder if there's a way, and guess what?

You are the way.

The more you unapologetically love yourself, the more the universe showers you with love.


Don't doubt it.


Join the Waitlist Now!



“This is self-love unleashed.” 

- Whitney, Reflector Portal Alum

Its time to relax into the faith and trust that you can move with grace through it all.

Let's slay the shame and look into the mirror to see the bold, beautiful truth of you!


Here’s the truth:

You’ve always been this empowered woman.
You just keep giving the pen to someone else to write your story.

Self-love is what true liberation looks like.

Join the Waitlist Now!

But how on Earth do you get there?
Where is the map to this place you’ve never been?

It’s time to crack open your vision.
It’s time to get out your mirror.

Transformations from this journey:

⭐ On the sales leader board (6+ weeks consecutively) after returning to the workforce
⭐ Strengthened relationship and received more love from partner
⭐ Received free jewelry from a stranger
⭐ Increased commission checks from 4 digits to 5.
⭐ Moved into larger living space
⭐ Received positive feedback from therapist about the improvements
⭐ Felt more confidence and set boundaries with more ease
⭐ Had first $100K week in sales


…and, best of all? 


We are ready for more gorgeous souls, just like you, to ignite their power and passion to shine bright, too!

Maximize your True Self through Magical Mirror Work
In this 5 Week Container, we will harness Mirror Work to unleash the power of your own self-love portal.

Maximize your True Self through Magical Mirror Work
In this 5 Week Container, we will harness Mirror Work to unleash the power of your own self-love portal:


This is a life changing experience. If anyone is on the fence, just do it. You have nothing to loose and EVERYTHING to gain. Mirror work is for everyone.


Mirror Work, aka mirror gazing or scrying, has deep roots - and it’s backed by science.


People have been doing this from ancient times to explore their own depths, and the neuroscience that backs it up is PROFOUND. You’re creating new neural connections, firing new synapses that lead your brain to look for something to love, rather than something to hate. 


Built around the book Mirror Work by Louis Hay.


The Reflector Portal takes 

Mirror Work to the next level 

by adding sisterhood, coaching, and deep activating magic.
from Self-Love Expert, Holly Starr. 


  • WEEKLY Live Calls
  • DAILY Affirmations
  • DAILY Journal Prompts
  • DAILY Heart Thoughts
  • 5 Energy Healing Modules with Holly
  • Collective Healing
  • Challenges
  • A tight-knit GROUP container of profound sisterhood
Join the Waitlist Now!

The Reflector Portal takes Mirror Work to the next level 

by adding sisterhood, coaching, and deep activating magic from Self-Love Expert, Holly Starr. 


  • WEEKLY Live Coaching Calls
  • DAILY Affirmations
  • DAILY Journal Prompts
  • DAILY Heart Thoughts
  • 5 Energy Healing Modules with Holly
  • Collective Healing
  • Challenges
  • A tight-knit GROUP container of profound sisterhood
Join the Waitlist Now!


Mirror Work Challenge By the Week:

Wait - Isn’t 5 weeks longer than 21 Days?

Join the Waitlist Now!

Good catch! 😂

Yes, it is! In this container, we allow for life to happen.

You have 5 weeks of support, sisterhood, and magic inside this container to complete your 21 Day Challenge - so when life lifes, you can come back tomorrow, without feeling like you’ve failed before you got started.

This is a container where you have space to let your process unfold as it needs to.

Some alum have just done the first 5 days - and repeated it 5 times, because layers kept coming up to be released! 

We’re here for all of it!

Good catch! 😂

Yes, it is! In this container, we allow for life to happen.

You have 5 weeks of support, sisterhood, and magic inside this container to complete your 21 Day Challenge - so when life lifes, you can come back tomorrow, without feeling like you’ve failed before you got started.

This is a container where you have space to let your process unfold as it needs to.

Some alum have just done the first 5 days - and repeated it 5 times, because layers kept coming up to be released! 

We’re here for all of it!



Why is doing this in a group so important?

Girl, it is KEY.
 Here’s what one client said:

"You’ve said it before.. This is community based and that's IMPORTANT. You CAN do it by yourself but it's not the same. You won’t get the same take away from doing it on your own. There are a lot of feelings to unpack from this and dealing with it alone just keeps it in your own head and doesn’t really “release” especially if you aren't someone who does breathwork or knows how to regulate emotions, etc. on their own."





Why is it important to do this in a group?

Girl, it is KEY. Here’s what one client said:

"You’ve said it before.. That is community based and that's IMPORTANT. You CAN do it by yourself but it's not the same. You won’t get the same take away from doing it on your own. There are a lot of feelings to unpack from this and dealing with it alone just keeps it in your own head and doesn’t really “release” especially if you aren't someone who does breath work or knows how to regulate emotions, etc. on their own."


I’ve lived a life where I thought I was doing myself a favor by pointing out all my flaws - constantly on the look-out for what I could be doing better, for where I was going wrong.

And I was good at spotting it.

I was a taskmaster. I talked to myself like I wouldn’t talk to anyone I loved.


Because I didn’t know how to love myself.

…and I am so excited to introduce you to your soul mate.

To the person you are guaranteed to spend the most time with.

To help you cherish the one relationship you’ll never be able to leave, and to make it healthy.

Self love is a language you’ve forgotten. I’m here to teach you how to speak it again.

I’m your facilitator, coach and cheerleader, all wrapped in a shiny life-loving package, here to love you into your light!

Because here’s what I know: If you can feel love and understand what it is for you, then you can go out and recreate it for yourself.

…oh, and I’m also the CEO and Founder of Ignite Shine Bright!

 “I met her, and I was like, 
‘I need more Holly in my life!’
 You’re so much joy, and just contagious.” 
   - Whitney, Reflector Portal Alum



Pricing Options

One Time Payment


  • WEEKLY Live Calls

  • DAILY Affirmations

  • DAILY Journal Prompts

  • DAILY Heart Thoughts

  • 5 Energy Healing Modules with Holly

  • Collective Healing

  • Challenges

  • A tight-knit GROUP container of profound sisterhood




  • WEEKLY Live Calls
  • DAILY Affirmations
  • DAILY Journal Prompts
  • DAILY Heart Thoughts
  • 5 Energy Healing Modules with Holly
  • Collective Healing
  • Challenges
  • A tight-knit GROUP container of profound sisterhood

Returning Alumni


  • WEEKLY Live Calls
  • DAILY Affirmations
  • DAILY Journal Prompts
  • DAILY Heart Thoughts
  • 5 Energy Healing Modules with Holly
  • Collective Healing
  • Challenges
  • A tight-knit GROUP container of profound sisterhood