Unlocking the Magic Within (11)


"Holly has been there when I completely changed my life and had no idea what I was going to do. She empowered me to know and understand my worth is not determined by any job or any person. She met with me where I was and opened a whole view of positivity and brightness which radiates from her. I'm so thankful to know Holly and be encouraged from her at any moment we ever speak.

She is wonderful at helping others elevate themselves to another level, to seek and find your higher self!"

"Holly has been there when I completely changed my life and had no idea what I was going to do. She empowered me to know and understand my worth is not determined by any job or any person. She met with me where I was and opened a whole view of positivity and brightness which radiates from her. I'm so thankful to know Holly and be encouraged from her at any moment we ever speak.

She is wonderful at helping others elevate themselves to another level, to seek and find your higher self!"

"Holly’s coaching is laser focused to quickly uncover the heart of existing unhelpful patterns of behavior and mindset. Her insight helps to create positive shifts effectively during the call and continues with actionable steps to take after. 

I would recommend working with Holly to help gain a deeper insight into how to better connect to self, find answers within and light up self-love from within."

"Holly inspires me by putting 100% of herself into everything she does. She's a great listener and positive person to be around. Her positive energy is undeniable. I would recommend working with Holly to reach your true potential and have someone with you that makes you feel good about yourself and your decisions.

Holly will help you overcome your fears and self doubt."

"Holly inspires me by putting 100% of herself into everything she does. She's a great listener and positive person to be around. Her positive energy is undeniable. I would recommend working with Holly to reach your true potential and have someone with you that makes you feel good about yourself and your decisions.

Holly will help you overcome your fears and self doubt."

"Holly’s incredible influence is through “if I could do it, so can you!” I love how she’s always practicing what she preaches and it shows. She takes leaps of faith & invests in her personal growth & embodies self love & her own healing. This inspires me to continue my journey as a healer & remembering to put myself first, always!

Holly will help you overcome any limiting beliefs or self doubts you may have and help you feel aligned with your purpose!"


"She`s very insightful, spot on, has a wealth of knowegle and her upbeat energy makes you feel all is well and there`s nothing that can stop you from achieving what you want!  Holly inspire me through her energy! And I love how anchored she is within herself, I love it!

She overcome blocks of all sorts by understanding your human design."

"She`s very insightful, spot on, has a wealth of knowegle and her upbeat energy makes you feel all is well and there`s nothing that can stop you from achieving what you want!  Holly inspire me through her energy! And I love how anchored she is within herself, I love it!

She overcome blocks of all sorts by understanding your human design."

Unlocking the Magic Within (15)

"While I did not finish the challange, the things i've learned about myself on this journey are things I definitely needed in my life. I needed to unwrap the things I did, I needed the hard questions asked, I needed to face MYSELF. I also needed a community to be able to bounce these feelings off of. To know I wasn't alone! To release!

Holly creates a safe environment to do just that!There is nothing to lose by giving this a shot, but there is so much value to gain in your life to try!"

"While I did not finish the challange, the things i've learned about myself on this journey are things I definitely needed in my life. I needed to unwrap the things I did, I needed the hard questions asked, I needed to face MYSELF. I also needed a community to be able to bounce these feelings off of. To know I wasn't alone! To release!

Holly creates a safe environment to do just that!There is nothing to lose by giving this a shot, but there is so much value to gain in your life to try!"

"I encourage everyone to go through Mirror Work at least once no matter where you are in your healing journey. You will come through it a better, stronger person no matter how you went through it or how far you journeyed.

It helped me know I have more work today. It covered so much area (loved that) and helped me know where I need more work "

"This program has changed my belief of myself. I love me. My confidence has improved dramatically. In my shifting it has changed the people around me and my relationships with them. This is a life changing experience. If anyone is on the fence, just do it. You have nothing to loose and EVERYTHING to gain. Mirror work is for Everyone.

Thank you for bringing this to the group and ultimately to my world. I am so thankful to be in your world."

"This program has changed my belief of myself. I love me. My confidence has improved dramatically. In my shifting it has changed the people around me and my relationships with them. This is a life changing experience. If anyone is on the fence, just do it. You have nothing to loose and EVERYTHING to gain. Mirror work is for Everyone.

Thank you for bringing this to the group and ultimately to my world. I am so thankful to be in your world."

"HUGE! I love myself now. I'm happier. I'm able to bounce back from rough moods/events the same day, instead of days. I'm able to listen to my body's needs better. I'm meditating every other day. I'm doing reiki twice daily. My relationship with my mom is so much better. I've learned the true value of the hard work it takes to feel better in my own skin.

You're fabulous. I loved working with you. I want more! Writing reviews are hard for a recovering people pleaser. "

"I'm showing up better for myself and my family, and trusting who I am. I've released some fears and let go of some beliefs which has allowed me to better parent my kids and to be more present with them. "

"I'm showing up better for myself and my family, and trusting who I am. I've released some fears and let go of some beliefs which has allowed me to better parent my kids and to be more present with them. "

"I met Holly through a mutual friend and when I heard the work she does to help others. I thought I need to try a different approach. Things weren’t working out. It was worth it to me to get the book, the journal and get it out.

Thank you so much.

"Changed EVERYTHING!! My Mind, My Heart, My Boundaries, My Words, My interactions with everyone.

I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HER!!! For the past 25 years, she has literally made me a better human just by existing - even in times when we didn't talk as often, I found myself wanting to be better in order to be around her, not disappoint her and never once felt judged and have always known unconditional love from this incredible woman. I am super proud of her AMAZING growth and am loving watching her continue to level up daily. I LOVE HER!!!! "

"Changed EVERYTHING!! My Mind, My Heart, My Boundaries, My Words, My interactions with everyone.

I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HER!!! For the past 25 years, she has literally made me a better human just by existing - even in times when we didn't talk as often, I found myself wanting to be better in order to be around her, not disappoint her and never once felt judged and have always known unconditional love from this incredible woman. I am super proud of her AMAZING growth and am loving watching her continue to level up daily. I LOVE HER!!!! "