You are a high achiever, used to getting shit done and fighting hard for what you want.

But you're starting to ask yourself some questions while you're running on that hamster wheel…

Why is it all so hard? Why is it easier for other people? Why does it feel like the peak of the mountain is always around the corner?

And while you're at it…

Why can’t I be more disciplined?
Why can’t I keep the weight off?
Why am I on this roller coaster of finances?
Why do I keep getting into relationships that leave me feeling drained?
Why do I feel like I’m living my own Groundhog Day, my sense of worth completely tied to how well or how poorly I was living up to my potential?

What’s wrong with me?

Something’s off.
You got the promotion or lost the weight or found your person or bought the house, but you still don’t feel content. You still don’t feel proud of yourself. You still don’t feel validated.

Your brain is running a mile a minute

You’re tired.

You have worked so hard. You’ve stretched yourself so thin.

And all these questions you're asking?  
There's an answer you never would have predicted.

…and it's deeper than you think

Honey, I’ve been there.
I’ve lived a life where I thought I was doing myself a favor by pointing out all my flaws – constantly on the look-out for what I could be doing better, for where I was going wrong.

And I was good at spotting it.

I was a taskmaster. I talked to myself like I wouldn’t talk to anyone I loved.

Because I didn’t know how to love myself.

…and I am so excited to introduce you to your
soul mate. To the person you are guaranteed to spend
the most time with. To help you cherish the one
relationship you’ll never be able to leave,
and to make it healthy.

It’s time to walk through your own self-love portal.
  • Made my annual salary jump by $60K – and keeps climbing!!
  • Seen my commission checks go from 3 digits to 4 digits;
  • Found a significant other who adores, spoils, surprises, and loves me for who I am;
  • Dramatically increased my number of yearly travel adventures
           (I’m talking Bahamas, Mexico, and Hawaii in the same year!); and
  • Seen my confidence in myself and my ability to set and keep boundaries explode.

I’m here to teach you how to speak it again.

Imagine getting to write your own list. Getting to define what

love looks and feels like for you –

And then getting to be that person for yourself.

You cannot be loved, accepted, and seen by the world until you are loved and accepted and seen by yourself.

Enroll Course today!

Once you calibrate and align to the right thing, you’re going to finally start getting the results that you want.

It’s like wondering why your cake isn’t rising, and here I am, ready to introduce you to baking soda.

In our weekly 90-minute webinars and exclusive Facebook Community, we will:

  • Learn how to flip the script of your inner critic and send that mean girl packing.
  • Create a new, whole, and loving relationship with yourself – and learn how that relationship affects EVERY OTHER aspect of your life.
  • Build a toolkit of self-love behaviors that you can pull out in emergencies for the rest of your life.

Holly is a light in this world that I can’t put into words. Just one conversation with her and you immediately feel like the world is at your fingertips & anything is possible. She has a gorgeous way of believing in your potential & guiding you in your next steps that leaves you feeling clear, confident, and amazing!

Holly’s incredible influence is through “if I could do it, so can you!” I love how she’s always practicing what she preaches, and it shows. She takes leaps of faith & invests in her personal growth & embodies self-love & her own healing. This inspires me to continue my journey as a healer & to remember to put myself first, always!

I would recommend working with Holly to help you achieve your goals & feel like a total badass while doing it. Trust me, you won’t regret it!!!

Holly’s coaching is laser focused to quickly uncover the heart of existing unhelpful patterns of behavior and mindset. Her insight helps to create positive shifts effectively during the call and continues with actionable steps to take after.

To help gain a deeper insight into how to better connect to self, find answers within and light up self-love from within.

Holly has been there when I completely changed my life and had no idea what I was going to do. She empowered me to know and understand my worth is not determined by any job or any person. She met with me where I was and opened a whole view of positivity and brightness which radiates from her. I'm so thankful to know Holly and be encouraged from her at any moment we ever speak.

I know Holly because she is family, she is my cousin but she is also such a beaming light that I would want to know her even if we werent family.

Holly has impacted my life by bringing her positive attitude and positive spirit with her each day.

Holly inspires me by putting 100% of herself into everything she does. She's a great listener and positive person to be around. Her positive energy is undeniable.

I would recommend working with Holly to reach your true potential and have someone with you that makes you feel good about yourself and your decisions.

Holly will help you overcome your fears and self doubt.

Holly is a light in this world that I can’t put into words. Just one conversation with her and you immediately feel like the world is at your fingertips & anything is possible. She has a gorgeous way of believing in your potential & guiding you in your next steps that leaves you feeling clear, confident, and amazing!

Holly’s incredible influence is through “if I could do it, so can you!” I love how she’s always practicing what she preaches, and it shows. She takes leaps of faith & invests in her personal growth & embodies self-love & her own healing. This inspires me to continue my journey as a healer & to remember to put myself first, always!

I would recommend working with Holly to help you achieve your goals & feel like a total badass while doing it. Trust me, you won’t regret it!!!

Holly’s coaching is laser focused to quickly uncover the heart of existing unhelpful patterns of behavior and mindset. Her insight helps to create positive shifts effectively during the call and continues with actionable steps to take after.

To help gain a deeper insight into how to better connect to self, find answers within and light up self-love from within.

Holly has been there when I completely changed my life and had no idea what I was going to do. She empowered me to know and understand my worth is not determined by any job or any person. She met with me where I was and opened a whole view of positivity and brightness which radiates from her. I'm so thankful to know Holly and be encouraged from her at any moment we ever speak.

I know Holly because she is family, she is my cousin but she is also such a beaming light that I would want to know her even if we werent family.

Holly has impacted my life by bringing her positive attitude and positive spirit with her each day.

Holly inspires me by putting 100% of herself into everything she does. She's a great listener and positive person to be around. Her positive energy is undeniable.

I would recommend working with Holly to reach your true potential and have someone with you that makes you feel good about yourself and your decisions.

Holly will help you overcome your fears and self doubt.


“In our personal lives, if we do not develop our own self-awareness and become responsible for first creations, we empower other people and circumstances to shape our lives by default.” – Stephen Covey


Because when you know how to connect to yourself, love yourself, and cherish yourself as your first soul mate, then you have new expectations, new boundaries, and new standards for anything or anyone who interacts with you!

That means:

  • Leaving that terrible, horrible, no good, very bad job…
  • Ending that unhealthy relationship that makes you feel small…
  • Finally drawing boundaries with your family…
  • Loving what you see in the mirror - no matter the shape of your body…
  • Choosing food based on how good it makes you feel…

Those decisions become no-brainers!
The courage to follow through comes naturally.

You are now your own best advocate

And what happens when you don’t?

What happens when you keep outsourcing the approval
of the most important aspects of your own life experience onto other
 people’s opinions or outside metrics?

What happens if you keep wanting outside
sources to tell you if you’re…
Successful enough?
Wealthy enough?
Interesting enough?
Beautiful enough?

I’m sorry to say it, my dear, but it’s a bottomless pit.  Those outside sources will never be enough.

It’s time to find the endless well of joy, passion, peace, creativity, and inspiration that comes from loving yourself.

You are now your own best advocate