Are you ready tap deep into the passion you have on this earth?

Are you ready to step into your soul’s blueprint?

Are you ready to truly unlock that childlike wonder, that curiosity for life?

Are you ready to have the frequency of bliss in everything that you create here on earth?


Are you ready to create unfathomable wealth?


Are you ready to unlock your throat chakra so you can have confidence in every word you speak?

Are you ready tap deep into the passion you have on this earth?
Are you ready to step into your soul’s blueprint?
Are you ready to truly unlock that childlike wonder, that curiosity for life?
Are you ready to have the frequency of bliss in everything that you create here on earth?
Are you ready to create unfathomable wealth?
Are you ready to unlock your throat chakra so you can have confidence in every word you speak?
I'm here to stir the core of your existence, unlocking the very essence of who you are. Through my guidance, you'll discover and embrace your soul's purpose and innate spiritual gifts. Together, we'll kindle the flame of your soul, attuning it to higher frequencies and aligning with your true self.

My transformative touch activates a profound sense of divinity, instilling boldness and courage to embark on the journey of living in harmony with your soul's purpose. Energetically, I work to heal multiple timelines, creating a space for holistic well-being.

 Having the path to your desires and being able to see it clearly through me is invaluable. I proudly declare my power, knowing that I am limitless and I am eager to introduce you to the boundless potential within your own "I AM."

In this session, you will be discovering and activating your immeasurable power!


1:1 Soul Awakening Illumination
During this 50 minutes together, I will:

Dive deep into unlocking your soul blueprint, transcending the boundaries of your human experience, and embracing the golden enlightenment that is uniquely yours.

Translate your spiritual codes, connecting you to higher frequencies within yourself.


Connecting on this soul level:

Creates crystal-clear clarity, a purified energy, and a connection to new, calibrated frequencies

Opens the mind up to your limitless & uncovers your divine gifts


Creates ease where all the possibilities sit waiting for you to claim

Empowers you and reignites your confidence while establishing a strong connection with your spirit team


Holly is able to see your greatness and unlock it for you in a way  you have never felt before.
She is a divine channel and is able to channel divine messages specifically for you from your spirit team.
Find out what they have to say and feel uplifted, empowered and cleared right away.
Listen over and over again or listen as you head out the door.
So much flexibility.


You will submit a question and Holly will respond in a recorded voice message after tuning into the message. The calendar time simply holds your spot on her calendar. **There will be NO LIVE call.**

Holly is the most optimistic person you will ever meet and the best cheerleader.


She is a divine channel and is able to channel divine messages specifically for you from your spirit team.


Find out what they have to say and feel uplifted, empowered and clear right away.


Listen over and over again or listen as you head out the door.

So much flexibility.


You will submit a question and Holly will respond in a recorded voice message after tuning into the message. The calendar time simply holds your spot on my calendar. There will be NO LIVE call.




During this 50 mins together, Holly will tap into your higher self. This is the version that already exists who has it all, knows it all, and understands it all. She is the most optimized and highly calibrated version of you. During this session, you can gain clarity on any topic as we access your higher self. Walk away having confirmation you are in complete alignment or what your next steps are.



During these 50 mins sessions, Holly will connect to your energy field and share what comes up. She is able to clear your energy and renew it. You will walk away feeling lighter, clearer, calmer, and more connected to your spirit being. Energy clearing is like taking your soul through the spirit cleanser and understanding more about the energetic levels and soul ties you have formed throughout your lifetime.

Launches routinely.  Join the Waitlist and be notified of the next launch. 

This is a phenomenal space to take a real look at the real you! We walk through 21 days of Mirror Work together as a group learning to love and see ourselves through a new lens. You will bring more clarity into your truths, your trials, and your traumas. Once you have clarity, you will understand which part of the stories were truly yours versus being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You have been divinely created  and this mirror work allows you to see your new truths. This will transform your self-talk and self-love game like NOTHING ELSE.

Mirror Work Waitlist

In your 21 Day Mirror Work Challenge you will:

  • Meet yourself where you are at and start to play in self love
  • Discover how you can change your self talk to step into loving language
  • Understand how to love yourself in all your forms here and now
  • Receive the support, connection and community of other women learning to love themselves

As a result you will:

Feel uplifted and inspired

Create opportunities for continued self love

Grow in compassion and kindness for self

Ignite true confidence and deep acceptance

Let go of judgment and grow in limitless love



Don't miss this opportunity to change your relationship with yourself forever and for the better!


Self-Love Monthly Membership Waitlist!

Join the Waitlist

This is a MONTHLY self-love phenomenon! It is a total vibe all on its own! Join an exclusive FB group full of like-minded fabulous women focused on loving themselves FIRST and prioritizing themselves. Enter at all levels. This is fantastic if you are desiring to learn how to love yourself first and prioritize yourself and if you are a rockstar self-love queen and need more ideas on ways to love yourself better! Enjoy guest speakers, monthly trainings, inspiring FB Lives, and more self-love excitement all month long! 


Holly taught first grade, has her masters in Early Childhood Education and has been a celebrity nanny for many years! She LOVES children and they are always drawn to her.



Holly taught first grade, has her masters in Early Childhood Education and has been a celebrity nanny for many years! She LOVES children and they are always drawn to her.