$333.00 USD

Reflector Portal Mirror Work Container

Welcome Back, Mirror Work Alumnus! 🌟

Mirror Work is opening its doors again, and I wanted to invite you to the party! You’ve already experienced the profound transformation that mirror work can bring, and now it's time to take it to the next level. Imagine diving even deeper with **live energy clearings** and joining a high-vibe community that is ready to rise with you.

Why Join This Round of The Reflector Portal?
- Live Energy Clearings: Be part of powerful, live sessions that clear out lingering energetic blockages, accelerating your journey to a higher level of self-love and alignment.
- Group Activation: Connect with a dynamic, like-minded group ready to support and uplift each other. Together, we'll activate and amplify our intentions, making this journey even more fun and impactful.
- Step Into Your Next-Level Self: You've laid the foundation with mirror work—now it's time to step into a new dimension of self-love, confidence, and empowerment.

Exclusive Alumni Offer:
As a returning Mirror Work Alumnus, you can join this transformative experience for only $222. This is your exclusive opportunity to tap into the live energy clearings and the collective energy of our group.

What's Included:
- Live Weekly Energy Clearings: Deeply transformative sessions to release, reset, and realign your energy.
- Interactive Group Sessions: Engage with fellow alumni and new members in a supportive, inspiring environment.
- Enhanced Mirror Work Techniques: Learn advanced practices to deepen your self-love and amplify your inner power.

This is your chance to reignite your journey, surrounded by a community that gets it. Together, we’ll elevate to new heights, making this experience not just transformational, but exhilarating!

🔒 Secure Your Spot Now for Just $222
👉 Join Us in The Reflector Portal

Let’s step into this next level together and make it more magical than ever. 💫